Sweet Lavender Iced-tea with Lemon

Photo of a glass of iced tea next to a planter with floweres and Lavender and mint in a small vase

On a garden tour last month, I enjoyed the unique and mild flavor of Lavender in a glass of sweet iced-tea with lemon. It tasted so good that the next day I bought a Lavender plant and experimented with making my own.

Lavender is an herb used as flavoring and as a medicine for anxiety and for a variety of ills. It is used in aroma therapy as well. According to the National Institutes of Health there is “insufficient evidence to rate its effectiveness” for a variety of conditions, but there is some concern about using it while pregnant, nursing, or taking sedatives.  In small quantities, as in this iced-tea, it should be harmless, but if you are on medications, pregnant, or nursing it is wise to check with your physician before drinking tea with Lavender.

3 Lavender flowers, washed  or 1 – 2 Tablespoons of Lavender flower buds, dried or fresh

IMPORTANT use a Lavender plant not treated with any pesticides

Pull the flowers from the woody stalk and place them in a tea ball and then put the ball in a tea pot or heat resistant tea pitcher.

Pour eight cups of boiling water over 6-8 decaf tea bags (or any tea you like) in the same pot, and let steep for ten minutes.  I chose plain decaf because I thought that caffeine might counteract the calming effect of the Lavender. Remove the tea bags and tea ball.

Add 4 tablespoons of Agave syrup (more or less to your taste). Agave syrup is a natural sweetener that dissolves much better in iced tea than sugar.

Let cool and pour over ice. Add Lemon slices. Enjoy!

This recipe is gluten-free.
