Mainers: Complainers

Mainahs are complainahs. We whine mostly about the cold, rainy, or snowy weather 90% of the year. As soon as the temperature reaches 85 degrees we grumble about the heat. When we aren’t moaning about the weather we talk about how bad the black flies are.

From April to October the Red Sox pitch great material for negativity – with the exception of the last few years when they twice won the World Series! In January and February we grouse about the trades and how bad the pitching will be. In spite of the complaining, Mainahs are extremely loyal Red Sox fans.

High taxes – always a favorite in Maine – now have to compete with gas and oil prices for prime whining time. The most costly problem – not just in Maine – is the cost of health care. Somehow that doesn’t seem to enter into the daily wail of woe. Maybe it’s because people tend to deal with larger problems better than they do with small ones. It makes me think of the saying, “We can sit on a mountain but not on a tack.”

In spite of the weather and high taxes more people are moving to Maine to enjoy the quality of life here. You won’t often hear most Mainahs complaining about traffic jams. Our neighborhoods and streets are relatively safe. We have lots of trees, mountains, rolling hills, marshes, and a beautiful coastline. Yes, we have indoor plumbing, shopping malls, and access to health care. Some folks do ask those questions which makes us roll our eyes and chuckle!

We may occasionally find a moose in our back yard or a neighbor’s in-ground swimming pool. Once I saw a bear saunter up the street. Deer love to chew the new tulips and a pheasant helps himself to some lettuce in a container on the deck.

We count our blessings that the things we have to complain about — most of the time — are as minor as the weather and taxes.

If you come to Maine you’ll probably have at least one time when you join in the complaining. Remember to avoid pronouncing those Rs and bring your Maine Wahmeh. Chances are you’ll need it!
Need a Maine Warmer? You may purchase one online or at a number of gift stores.