Maine Warmers as Gentle Ice Packs

With summer finally upon us, it’s time to remember that ALL Maine Warmers’ products double as gentle ice packs.  We realize that most customers use our products for heat therapy, but don’t pack your Maine Warmer away with the coats and boots just because winter is over. Keep your Maine Warmer (or two) in a plastic bag in your freezer for a comfortable, go-to ice pack.  Great for cooling off on hot days and reducing swelling & pain, Maine Warmers are in season all year long!

The corn in our products is versatile and long lasting. When frozen, it provides non-messy, gentle “ice” that conforms to your body. That’s why we say, “Warm up & Chill out.”  It’s your choice – heat or ice.

Knee Pack in Use

Knee Ice Pack

Maine Ice Soft and Nice is the size of a hand or about 8 x 6 inches

Maine Ice ~ Soft & Nice











Our two Best Cold Therapy Products are “Maine Ice” and the “Knee Ice Pack.”  A variety of aches and pains don’t always warrant a visit to the doctor and can be treated and greatly improved by applying a cold pack to the affected area.  (If you are experiencing severe pain it’s best to consult a physician before treating your pain.)  Over the years, we’ve collected a growing list of uses for our gentle ice packs, including: arthritis, back pain, neck pain, minor burns, bug bites, bee stings, cramps, fever, swelling, headaches, migraines, post-surgical pain (such as vasectomy), sprains, strains, bruises, muscle pulls, broken bones, and sunburn.

If you have another use for ice you’d like to share, please leave a reply to this blog below, or email us at and tell us.  We love your feedback.

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